Make a corporate gift.
Lead by example. Your corporate gift demonstrates good citizenship and leads the way for employees. Consider matching gifts.
Run a United Way campaign.
A campaign makes it easy to give- and give back. Don’t be surprised if you boost morale and have fun along the way.

Link to United Way’s website at work.
What’s my money doing? Link to our social media and to keep everyone up to date on the issues they care about and the impact their donation makes.
Share info about
Helpfinder is a simple way employees and their families can find services they need.
Organize a team for volunteer projects.
Nothing builds teamwork like a hands-on project. A day of volunteering together can pay dividends all year long. Reach out to us at and let us connect you with a local volunteer opportunity where you and your team came make an impact!
Share your expertise.
Your time, talents and concern for the community are invaluable assets to our United Way and Ellis County community. If you are interested in serving on a committee or our Board of Directors, please reach out to Jamie McNulty at for more information.