United Way Promotes Financial Stability & Independence
As many as one-third of working Americans do not earn enough money to meet their basic needs. Wages have not kept pace with the rising cost of housing, healthcare, and education and currently, 40 million Americans are working in low-paying jobs without basic health and retirement benefits. For families walking a financial tightrope, unable to save for college, a home, or retirement, United Way is here to help.
Who We Help
The United Way of West Ellis County partners with local agencies who have made it their goal to see the members of our community achieve financial stability. One of our agencies is the only homeless shelter in the area and works tirelessly to ensure that its residents regain self-sufficiency. These residents learn basic household duties like laundry, cleaning and cooking, while also learning how to keep a job and manage their income. We also fund several agencies who work with those who cannot afford their rent or groceries to feed their families. Whether it's by offering financial counseling, a place to live, or a food pantry, these agencies work hard to improve the lives of Ellis county residents.
"It's part of my weekly routine. I can almost always find things there I need at a fraction of the cost. I have bought my grandson clothes and toys there for years. I love their ministry to community. I have received groceries, and help with bills through Manna House. They love our family and are always happy to pray with us. I donate to them as well. I know where it goes."
-Cathy M., Manna House Midlothian