Resources & Information
We understand the growing concern surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) across our communities, and we are closely monitoring the threat in Ellis County with local health & govt officials. Many of you are concerned not only about the health of yourself and your families, but the financial hardships you may face as a result of any prolonged work and event closures. The United Way of West Ellis County is here to help you through the coronavirus crisis.
211 Texas
- During the COVID-19 public health emergency individuals can contact 211 Texas for information and referrals related to support services. Dial 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905, and visit 211texas.org. 211 Texas operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
State Health Department Website
- The Texas Department of Health contains detailed information about coronavirus cases across the state as well as a COVID-19 toolkit with tip sheets including identifying your symptoms, how to limit exposure, prevent coronavirus and when to get tested.
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, working to protect Americans from health, safety and security risks. The CDC is a valuable resource for coronavirus information including tracking cases across the U.S. and globally.
- Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities, Resources for the Home includes cleaning recommendations, planning ahead, and what to do if you're sick.
Local Updates & Counts
- Texas Case Count page has the latest information on the number of confirmed cases in the state
- COVID-19 Local Health Entities has a listing of all county public health facilities across the state
- Ellis County Novel Coronavirus - Local updates from Ellis County Government
FamilyWize Prescriptions Savings
- Individuals should continue to adhere to their prescribed medications. When calling in to get a script filled or refilled, ask your pharmacy to apply the FamilyWize discount - simply provide them with the following information:
- FamilyWize does not require registration so there is no need to physically show a card. Note that CVS and Walgreens are providing free delivery of prescription medications
- Prefer to keep a FamilyWize Prescription Savings Card in you wallet? Download your card here.
MyBSWHealth App
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center now has a free Digital COVID-19 screening questionnaire available on the MyBSWHealth app and online at MyBSWHealth.com. The screening tool uses CDC-recommended questions and allows us to appropriately identify patients who need additional follow-up. Patients who think they may have symptoms are being asked to take this screening prior to scheduling an appointment or walking into a clinic or hospital ED. Local patients can simply text BETTER to 88408 to download.
Mental Health Resources
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | (800) 273-8255
- NAMI HelpLine | (800) 950-6264
- Crisis hotline available 24/7 | (866) 260-8000 * (Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor)
- North Texas Behavioral Health Authority: COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line | (833) 251-7544
- Texas Health and Human Services: COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line | (833) 986-1919
- Texas Psychological Association Pro Bono Project: Offering up to 2 hours of free mental health services for qualifying Texas during COVID-19. Learn more >
- Paws for Reflection Ranch | (972) 775-8966
- Discovery Point Retreat Hotline | (*855) 916-3289
- CDC: Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19
- PBS Kids: How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus
- Talking With Children: Tips For Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreaks(PDF)
- Coping With Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks (PDF)
- Your Behavioral Health: Tips For Social Distancing, Quarantine, And Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak (PDF)
- The North Texas Behavior Health Authority COVID-19 Mental Health Support line can be reached at, (833) 251-7544
Substance Abuse Resources
- Discovery Point Retreat: Waxahachie | (855) 306-8054, Ennis | (469) 646-8324
- Casa Colina Sober Living Center: Waxahachie | (972) 449-2000
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
Domestic Violence Resources
- Emergencies | Please dial 9-1-1
- National Domestic Violence Hotline | For victims and survivors who need support, someone is here for you, 24/7. Call (800) 799-7233 or if you're unable to speak safely, you can log onto thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 22522.
- Family Abuse Center | (800) 283-8401
- Texas Abuse Hotline | (800 252-5400
- Healing Hearts Center of Ellis County - 24 HOUR EMERGENCY HOTLINE | (800) 828-7893
- National Sexual Assault Hotline | (800) 656-4673
- National Domestic Violence Hotline also has a guide for survivors on staying safe during the COVID-19 crisis
- StrongHearts Native Helpline for domestic/sexual violence is available 7am-10pm CT, confidential and specifically for Native communities | (844) 762-8483
- Trans LifeLine for peer support for trans folks 9am-3am CT | (877) 565-8860 - This hotline is staffed exclusively by trans operators is the only crisis line with a policy against non-consensual active rescue.
- Deaf Hotline is available 24/7 through video phone | (855) 812-1001, email and chat for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled survivors.
Child Abuse Resources
- Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) | (800) 252-5400, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also file a report via the TDFPS Abuse Hotline website.
- Ellis County Children’s Advocacy | (972) 937-1870
- National Parent Helpline Monday -Friday 12pm-9am CT emotional support and advocacy for parents | (855) 427-2736
Get Help
The United Way works with a variety of community partners who can provide assistance should you experience financial hardship due to prolonged work stoppage or other effects of the coronavirus. Several local agencies that offer direct assistance to Ellis County residents are:
- Waxahachie Care Services (Waxahachie)
- Salvation Army of Waxahachie (Waxahachie)
- Manna House (Midlothian)
- North Ellis County Outreach (Red Oak)
- Helping Hands of Ennis (Ennis)
- Meals on Wheels of North Central Texas (Ellis County)
* Our entire county region is served by HelpFinder.org which helps connect you to the various resources available.
Local School Districts Providing Meals for Kids
- Avalon ISD
- Ennis ISD
- Ferris ISD
- Italy ISD
- Maypearl ISD
- Midlothian ISD
- Milford ISD
- Palmer ISD
- Red Oak ISD
- Waxahachie ISD
- 2020-2021 School Year Coming Soon
Personal Hygiene and Social Distancing Protocols
Please remember: Public health experts have been clear that the great majority of those who contract coronavirus will recover without difficulty, and that we can protect ourselves and our families by following common-sense public health guidelines.
- Maintain good hand hygiene by frequently and thoroughly washing with soap and water
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing and sneezing. If tissues are unavailable, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve…NOT your hands
- Avoid shaking hands, hugging or greeting with a kiss
- Wipe surface areas often with disinfectant
- Avoid contact with people who are sick
- If you, a family member or other member of your household gets sick – please see a doctor if symptoms are flu-like
- Be familiar with the attached COVID-19 Fact Sheet provided by the Center for Disease Control
If you think you are symptomatic
- Call your healthcare provider, tell them about your condition, and await further instructions before going to a healthcare facility. This will allow for time for the appropriate precautions to be taken.
To Help Families in Need:
If you are not in need of assistance, we hope that you will consider making a donation to our "Coronavirus Relief Fund" to help those suffering financial hardships during this time.