United Way of West Ellis County funds the most effective local projects that return measurable outcomes.
How does United Way of West Ellis County tackle tough problems? By finding, funding, and partnering with the most effective local projects / agencies that create real opportunities and get results. United Way of West Ellis County's allies are called "partners," and they are any individual or group that works with UWWEC in a coordinated effort to achieve a shared community goal. Community Impact Partners are recipients of grants through our organization.
We believe that everyone deserves opportunities to have a good life: a quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a family through retirement, and good health.
That’s why our work is focused on the building blocks for a good life:
- Education – Helping Children and Youth Achieve Their Potential
- Income – Promoting Financial Stability and Independence
- Health – Improving the Well-Being of Those in Our Community.
Who We Help
The United Way of West Ellis County seeks to create a positive environment by providing opportunities for all to experience a better life. We support local organizations who advocate the three key building blocks of education, income and health. In 2024, the UWWEC will award over $250,000 in grant funds to 26 area agencies that have a tremendous impact on our community.
2024 UWWEC Partner Agencies:
- American Red Cross
- The Avalon Independent School Summer Recreation Program
- Bridges Training Foundation
- Believing Restoration is Attainable
- Boy Scouts of America
- Boy's & Girls Club of Waxahachie
- Common Ground Ministries
- Eagle Oak Retreat Foundation
- Ellis County 4 H
- Ellis County Children's Advocacy Center
- Ellis County Children's Theater
- Ellis County Homeless Coalition
- Harvest Family Life
- Manna House
- Meals On Wheels
- Mentors Care
- Midlothian Senior Activity Center
- Milford Senior Citizens Center
- The Milford Independent School Summer Recreation Program
- Paws for Reflection Ranch
- Presbyterian Children's Home & Services
- Sisters in Spirit of Texas
- The Anchor Home
- The Heights of Ellis County
- The Salvation Army of Ellis County
- Waxahachie C.A.R.E.
- Waxahachie Senior Activity Center