With our focus on impacting communities, United Way plays a key role in advocating for good public policy & being a voice for households living within the ALICE threshold. Without community input, our priorities in Education, Income and Health will lose critical government policy and funding support.
Join us and advocate for an Education, Income, Health or nonprofit strengthening issue that you are passionate about. Your community needs you to have an impact on public policy decisions. Advocating in your community does not simply mean lobbying on a specific piece of legislation.
You have the power to make change in your community!
Learn more about our advocacy platform & initiatives for 2020 by clicking here.
Your Local Representatives:
Get informed, and then speak up for a cause you care about. Tell your friends. Write a letter to an elected official. Share your opinion at a public hearing or town hall meeting. Sign a petition. Write a letter to the editor. Vote.
- Click here to find out who your Elected Officials are. (http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/Home.aspx)
- Click here for Texas politics on the Web Guide. (https://www.uwtexas.org/public-policy)