People often hear the word “advocacy” and think of professional lobbyists. Advocacy is much more than lobbying – and anyone can be an advocate!
It can be as simple as posting a tweet in support of a policy or emailing your legislator about an issue that matters to you.
United Way’s advocacy work is focused on creating positive change in education, income, and health public policies by:
- Sharing what we have learned from our initiatives and heard from the community.
- Focusing on where we align with others and working with allies to collectively drive change.
- Find out who represents you and tell them what is important to our community.
- Developing relationships with elected officials from both parties at all levels of government.
United Way is doing amazing advocacy work with their recent ALICE report. Read more about what ALICE is, and who this report primarily affects.
Looking to get involved with United Way's advocacy work? Contact Jamie McNulty at jmcnulty@uwwec.org
Advocating for ALICE
For over 73 years United Way of West Ellis County (UWWEC) has fought for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community. In Ellis County today, 27% of households struggle to afford the basic household necessities. These households are one step away from spiraling into poverty.
The ALICE Report for Texas has changed the way that UWWEC approaches community needs and works to solve them. ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, and Employed) shows the true baseline cost of living of each county in Texas. The report shows that it costs more to afford the combined annual cost of basic housing, child care, food, transportation, health care and other necessities in Ellis County. Based on these and other compelling needs, UWWEC has compiled this Advocacy Platform.